Superpowered game console
Superpowered game console

superpowered game console

No one would have guessed that after a fairly grounded in reality start, this series would be about superpowers. Saints Row of the past were very different games to what we consider Saints Row today.

#Superpowered game console mods

These mods are surprisingly functional and although they can sometimes be clunky as their features were brute forced into the game, they are still a lot of fun. Some of the mods can give all the associated (or most prominent) powers of the Flash, Ghost Rider and Green Goblin (with their associated rides), the Hulk, Superman, Iron Man, Electro and others and you can switch between them on the fly.

superpowered game console

Imagine the usual fun of GTA 5 and its open world and now add superpowers in the mix. But once you get it working you are in for some fun times. Sure they are not a part of the core game and it requires a bit of tinkering with the game files. Mods and what you can do with them in GTA 5 is insane. Why is Grand Theft Auto on this list you wonder? It’s easy. Shapeshifting and hiding in plain sight was a lot of fun and I don’t know why no one else took or expanded this concept further. This time set in New York, the titular character was a shapeshifter that along with the standard, super strength, speed, and super senses could impersonate enemies and civilians, turn his body into all sorts of weapons and armors, wall run, glide and other. Prototype was along with a game that is higher up the list – a game that after a long drought of open world superpower games, promised a playground with a bunch of cool abilities for your character.

Superpowered game console